
Agar bukti kemakmuran rakyat dibawah pemerintahan Kerajaan Majapahit bukan hanya menjadi legenda belaka, maka penelitian ini menelisik sumber dan teori-teori ilmiah yang membahas pola dagang masyarakat Desa Trowulan pada masa kerajaan Majapahit pada abad XIII-XV. Pendekatan yang dipakai metode penelitian sejarah dengan empat tahap kegiatan inti antara lain heuristik, kritik, intepretasi dan historiografi. Jenis data yang dipergunakan adalah data sekunder yang berupa sumber tertulis yang terdiri dari buku, artikel ilmiah, dan serta data primer berupa wawancara dengan petugas Museum Majapahit di Desa Trowulan. Dari penelitian ini, diperoleh historiografi pola perdagangan masyarakat Desa Trowulan pada masa Kerajaan Majapahit bergantung pada komoditi, alat transportasi, pelaku ekonomi dan pengelolaan pajak, mata uang dan lembaga pengelolanya. Pola perekonomian yang belaku pada masa itu diindikasi adalah pengambilan langsung (direct access), reciprocity, dan redistribution. Perdagangan pada masa tersebut memanfaatkan potensi daerah aliran sungai (DAS) yang menghubungkan Majapahit dengan daerah lain dan negara lain. Strategi perdagangan tersebut turut mengilhami agenda-agenda pembangunan di wilayah Kota Mojokerto yang merupakan pusat kota pelabuhan jaman Majapahit. Kini, Kota Mojokerto menerapkan konsep The Spirit of Majapahit pada setiap agenda pembangunannya dan dalam tahap perencanaan pembangunan Wisata Bahari Majapahit yang berlokasi di area kota pelabuhan dagang Majaphit, yaitu DAS Sungai Ngothok, Kelurahan Pulorejo dan Kelurahan Blooto. In order to prove that the prosperity of people under the reign of the Majapahit Kingdom was not just a legend, so this study examines sources and scientific theories that discuss the trading patterns of the Trowulan Village community during the Majapahit Kingdom within the XIII-XV centuries. The research approach used withis this research was the historical research methodology which passed four core activities, including heuristic stage, then continued with criticism stage, interpretating stage and last stage was historiography. The type of datas used were secondary datas such as written sources consisting of books, scientific articles, and also the primary source data such as interviews with officers in the Majapahit Museum. From this study, the historiography of the trading patterns of the Trowulan Villagers during the government of Majapahit Kingdom was obtained, depending on commodities, means of transportation, economic actors and tax management, currency and management institutions. The prevailing economic pattern at that time indicated that it was direct access, reciprocity, and redistribution. Trade at that time took advantage of the potential of watersheds that connected Majapahit with other regions and other countries. Today, this trading strategy also inspired development agendas in the Mojokerto City area, which was the center of the port city in the Majapahit era. Now, the Cgovernment of Mojokerto applies the concept of “The Spirit of Majapahit” in every development agenda and is in the planning stage of the development of the Majapahit Maritime Tourism which will located in the trading port city area of Majaphit, namely the Ngothok River Basin, Pulorejo Village and Blooto Village.

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