
The present study is to examine the television is a dominant source of infotainment for youths in Bangalore city. Television has direct and straight relation withyouth's lives. At early stage of their life they become familiar to several programs of television. The early exposures to the television the youths are mainly depend on television as an important media for their information and entertainment. Television plays a significant role in the lives of youths, in the development moral formation and attitudinal change in the daily lives. Youths are more intelligent in understanding a choosing their content from television programs. The most significant social trends during 21st century involved the rise of television as the dominant leisure time activity for most people in nations where television was widely available. The prime aim of this study is to find out the how television is an important source for their infotainmentTelevision is not only eroded values; it has also managed to group out old-fashioned conversation and more amusements like reading. Family members have now retreated into a cocoon to watch different programmes. Television today, plays a major role in shaping the society. It has a vast impact on Indian society and this effect is both positive and negative. The advent of television has changed and reformed Indian society to a great extent. In this present study the survey is conducted to know how television is an important source of information and entertainment for youths. I. Introduction Media is a channel through which information is transmitted. Mass media is a term used to denote as a class, that section of the media specifically conceived and designed to reach a very large audience. Media is a transaction of the term media of communication, referring to those organized means of dissemination of facts, opinion, entertainment and other information. In short, it is a blend of various media to name a few of them is the radio, television, newspaper and new media etc. Every media has a great responsibility to the public. The fundamental work of the media during the pre-independence era was to make the people aware about the functioning of the government. The communication media has played a significant role in order to bring about social and economic changes and standard of living as well as to build the gap between the countries, television as a media has become very important. Television is the predominant medium of mass entertainment in the second half of the twentieth century. It is a highly competitive industry driven by advertising sales, pursuit of higher profits and ratings. Drawing closer and maintaining a large audience towards television is of chief importance. Different programme telecasted to attract and as well to entertain was the prime motive. For programs it is important to hold back the audience with new concepts I the programmes. In terms of audience penetration, television is the most mass of all the mass media. Television touches our lives more intimately, more seductively, and more persuasively than any other media. Television is arguably the most powerful medium in the world today as people tend to associate themselves to it. Tome extent television has been successful in influencing people's life and changes their standard of living. Television has recognized and appreciates the role of mass media in communication, in contemporary society, and it codes, forms and conventions of the various mass media. It also recognizes and constructs a sense of what the world is or how it works. By analyzing and evaluating the various mass media, television includes their sources, intents and underlying values. Soon after television established its dominance over print, young people who recognized they were being shut out of the dialogue of democracy came up with a new form of expression in an effort to join the national conversation the demonstration. This new form of expression, which began in the 1960s was essentially a poor quality theatrical production designed to capture the attention of the television cameras long enough to hold up a sign with few printed words to convey, however plaintively a message to the people. Even this is now rarely an avenue for expression on national television. The most significant social trends during the last half of the twentieth century involved the rise of television as the dominant leisure time activity for most people in nations where television was widely available. This trend was especially strong in the western societies where television has occupied about more than 60% of leisure time for most people in the early twenty-first century. This translates into an average of three hours of television per day, although some of this viewing is done while

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