
Among the most serious and critical pastoral issues facing the Catholic Church today is the problem of catholics who have been married in the Church and then have divorced and remarried. Their remarriage place them in an irregular situation in the Church, and they are, consequently, banned from the reception of Holy Communion and sacramen of reconciliation as long as their irregular situation persists. Yet, far from treating them with judgmental coldness and aloofness, pastors are obliged by the Magisterium to welcome them openly and sincerely, to stand by them sympathetically and helpfully, and to make them aware of the love of God. The Church loves them, that she is not far from them and suffers because of their situation.The divorced and remarried are and remain her members, because they have received Baptism and retain their Christian faith. On the other hand, in dealing with the case, pastors that out of love for the truth they are obliged to discern carefully the different situations and exhorts them to encourage the participation of the divorced and remarried in the various events in the life of the Church. Pastors impelled to find ways juridically and pastorally to assist them, while respecting Christ's teaching on the sanctity of marriage.

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