
Many academics and practician of marketing admit that Relationship Marketing (RM) has developed vastly and also considered contributed to paradigm reformation, it even become the basis of marketing science theory reform. Hence, discussion on RM is interesting to be studied. The study aimed to synthesize various opinion and former research result to get a clearer view for academics, manager and general reader concerning concept of RM. Various literatures, either periodic journals, conference articles and textbooks are collected and used as references in this monography. Writer find out some perspectives used by scientists to describe RM concept, start from marketing philosopny aspect, resources based perspective, marketing strategy, value creation and mutual value creation (value co-creation). Writer concluded that various perspectives applied in formulating RM is strengthen the other perspective. Despite seems to be overlapped but there’s a link that connected each perspective. Writer thought that (theoretically) value co-creation is the most relevant perspective to outlines RM process and activities in today’s situation. Whereas in field, many corporates placed RM as one of their main strategy in marketed the company.


  • Many academics and practician of marketing admit that Relationship Marketing

  • it even become the basis of marketing science theory reform

  • former research result to get a clearer view for academics

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Banyak akademisi dan praktisi bidang pemasaran mengakui bahwa Relationship Marketing (RM) telah berkembang sangat pesat serta dianggap telah memberikan perubahan paradigma bahkan menjadi dasar pembentukan ulang teori pada bidang ilmu pemasaran dan topik RM ini menarik untuk dibahas. Ada beberapa sudut pandang yang digunakan oleh para ilmuwan untuk menguraikan konsep RM, mulai dari aspek filosofi pemasaran, persepsktif berbasis sumber daya, strategi pemasaran, penciptaan nilai (value creation), dan penciptaan nilai bersama (value co-creation). Secara teoritis bahwa penciptaan nilai bersama (value co-creation) merupakan perspektif yang paling relevan untuk menguraikan proses dan aktivitas RM pada era sekarang ini, sedangkan dalam praktiknya banyak perusahaan menempatkan RM sebagai salah satu strategi utama dalam kegiatan pemasaran perusahaan. Kata Kunci: Relationship marketing, filosofi pemasaran, berbasis sumber daya, strategi pemasaran, penciptaan nilai, value co-creation

Scholars of Marketing
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