
Cassava is one of the food crops that is widely cultivated by farmers in Bogor. Cassava is a secondary crop with the largest harvest area in Leuwisadeng District. In general, cassava can be processed into raw materials or flour raw materials. This study aims to compare cassava cultivation techniques, especially farmers in Leuwisadeng Village with relevant literature and related sources. Data were taken from interviews with several cassava farmers and field observations. The stage of cassava cultivation in Leuwisadeng Village begins with land processing, land sanitation, making mounds, preparing planting material, planting, caring, and harvesting. Most of the farmers in Leuwisadeng Village cultivate cassava not according to standard operation procedure. This discrepancy can be seen from less intensive maintenance activities such as land management, fertilization, hoarding, and weeding. Farmers of Leuwisadeng Village still need assistance related to intensive cultivation processes and techniques.

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