The investigated area of the Eastern Alps consists of Austroalpine basement units composed of various types of mica schist and paragneiss with intercalations of amphibolites or eclogites, marbles and quartzites. Furthermore, Permian magmatic rocks are represented by gabbros, pegmatites and the Wolfsberg orthogneiss. All rocks belong to the Koralpe nappe system and are characterized by main imprints during Permian HT/LP metamorphism and Cretaceous LT/HP overprint and nappe stacking in the course of the Eoalpine orogenic event. Geological maps show only a rudimentary tectonic subdivision, although there are indications for a complex internal structure. To study the internal structure a W-E orientated section across the Großer Speikkogel (2140 m) is most suitable. Along this section the E-dipping Cretaceous schistosity is gently folded by WNW-ESE trending axes with steep axial planes. From bottom to the top two amphibolite-facies, three eclogite-facies and again amphibolite-facies nappes can be identified. This indicates an inverted metamorphic field gradient in the footwall and an upright gradient in the hanging wall.The tectonically deepest part crops out in the Wolfsberg Window, where amphibolite-facies rock units of the northerly-situated Gleinalpe Mountains reappear at the surface. They comprise the Vordergumitsch nappe, which is mainly built up by biotite-rich mica schist, paragneiss and amphibolite of the Klining Complex. Additionally it includes the Wolfsberg orthogneiss. Above the Pusterwald nappe is situated. It is built up by the Rappold (Preims) Complex, mainly composed of garnet-bearing mica schist, paragneiss and marble with additional amphibolite, quartzite and pegmatites. The latter show relatively low grades of fractionation.The lowermost eclogite-bearing unit is the several hundred meters thick Brandhöhe nappe. It represents an upright section through the lower and middle part of the Permian crust. Its lower part mainly consists of paragneiss, which experienced high amphibolite-facies and anatexis during the Permian event. Usually it contains several millimetres large aggregates of fine-grained kyanite ("Disthenflasergneis"). In the upper part paragneiss with up to several decimetres long kyanite pseudomorphs appears, which developed from Permian greenschist-facies schists with chiastolitic andalusite ("Paramorphosenschiefer”). Within the metasedimentary matrix some huge eclogite bodies appear. While pegmatitic mobilisates and weakly fractionated simple pegmatites occur in the lower part of the succession, fractionated pegmatites and spodumene pegmatite dikes of the Weinebene locality are situated in the upper part. Maybe the spodumene pegmatites from Trahütten and Klementkogel are also at this level. The overlying Hoher Speikkogel nappe is characterised by migmatic paragneiss again. Its upper boundary is masked by the Plattengneis shear zone. Therein, thick evolved pegmatites occur near the base, whereas above only millimetre thick pegmatitic mobilisates appear. This transition marks the base of the overlying Deutschlandsberg nappe. In its less deformed upper part bodies of Permian gabbro-eclogite, the leucogranite of Trahütten and most probably the spodumene pegmatite of the Gupper quarry are situated.Along the western foothills of the Koralpe Mountain ridge amphibolite-facies rock assemblages are dominated by garnet mica schist. It is yet not clear whether they represent one continuous nappe sheet or several nappe sheets.
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