
The Aracena metamorphic belt is a high‐temperature/low‐pressure (HT/LP) band located at the southern end of the European Variscan chain. It marks a suture between Armorica and Avalonia. This belt is characterized by (1) the presence of mid‐ocean ridge basalt‐derived metabasites that were affected by an inverted HT/LP metamorphism related to SW verging thrusting, whose thermal peak diachronously migrated eastward; (2) the occurrence of a HT/LP metamorphism, related to an extensional event, affecting continental rocks belonging to the Ossa Morena zone with peak temperatures that are ∼150°C higher than that recorded in the oceanic metabasites; and (3) the presence of near‐trench magmatism with high‐Mg andesite composition. These and other characteristics can be interpreted in terms of a ridge‐trench‐trench triple junction that migrated along the Armorican margin during Variscan oblique convergence.

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