
The large number of temples and various forms in Indonesia is a cultural and architectural heritage that is one of the identities of the archipelago. From an architectural point of view, the temple has special tectonic complexities, one of which is the Sukuh Temple. Sukuh Temple is a building with the ability of a perfect structural and construction system and has architectural metaphysical values. The building of Sukuh Temple has existed since the 15th century. This building was built to fulfill the function of worship rituals, therefore this building is sacred. This building is located in an earthquake prone area, namely on the island of Java. The resilience of Sukuh Temple over the years proves that Sukuh Temple can adapt to the environment, from this evidence the tectonics of Sukuh Temple are interesting to study. The research objective was to determine how the ancestors used tectonic science and technology to adapt to nature and the existing environment. This research uses descriptive method with a qualitative approach. data and information collection is done through field observations, in-depth interviews, and related documents. This study found that local wisdom is the main factor that makes Sukuh Temple responsive to the environment.

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