
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>This study aims to find out the religious moderation oriented on local wisdom in the local community, the function of local wisdom in establishing a religious moderation climate, and local wisdom development strategies that contain elements of religious moderation that can be implemented in the policy. This study used descriptive research to explore the local wisdom in the developing community which interrelated with religious moderation. The study was conducted in Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with informants, document study, and field observations. The data collected then analyzed in the writing stage and were analyzed when being reduced, then were presented in the form of a description. The results of this study indicated as follows: (1) the religious moderation oriented local wisdom contained in the local community are Aluk Tondolo and the Tongkonan traditional house as parts of the culture and local wisdom of Tana Toraja, (2) The Tongkonan traditional house is a symbol of harmony and kinship which contains some local wisdom, including the Rambu Solo, Rambu Tuka and Karapasan ceremonies, in which the Karapasan Culture is believed by its adherents or the Toraja tribe to be a path towards peace, (3) The moderation of life with ambiance of harmony between religious communities has gone very well since the Toraja people know harmonious life between 2 (two) or more different religions.</span></p></div></div></div>

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