
An integrated interpretation of seismic reflection and gravity results yields an image of the structural units (nappes, overthrust sheets and underthrust slabs) of the Cambrian-Ordovician metasedimentary and metavolcanic sequences of the Appalachian province of southern Quebec at depth and the relative position of the underlying Precambrian crystalline basement. The tectonics related to crystalline Precambrian basement may be correlated with four interpretations and combinations of these. A décollement of Paleozoic sedimentary and volcanic piles over a rigid crystalline basement is most probable considering the interpretation of gravity and especially seismic data. The tectonic style at depth is rather unresolved from surface geological information. The elaboration of a two-dimensional model is constrained by physical properties of rocks, maximum depth extents of individual bodies and seismic reflectors in addition to surface geology. Finally, a minimum of 1500 km of shortening and Iapetan closing is suggested.

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