
In western Tasmania, small Precambrian regions are surrounded by a ramifying system of troughs filled with Cambrian sedimentary and volcanic rocks, and ophiolite complexes. The volcanic associations include a rift-related olivine tholeiite association, dacite-rhyolite and andesite associations, and a low-Ti, high-Mg andesite-tholeiite ophiolite association, and may have formed during a long-lived period of crustal thinning, punctuated by episodes of crustal rupturing, magmatism, and small scale rifting. Such extensional tectonism could occur in an active continental margin associated with strike-slip faulting of regional scale, and the volcanic associations may together constitute an igneous assemblage characteristic of magmatism in a transcurrent tectonic regime within an active continental margin undergoing break-up. The western Tasmanian Cambrian palaeogeography and volcanism preserve a transitional stage between the Late Proterozoic Kanmantoo regime of sedimentary basins with little volcanism developed at the rifting margin of the Proterozoic craton, and the tectonic regime of the Palaeozoic Lachlan Fold Belt where the Cambrian volcanic rocks are dominated by island-arc associations and the rift-related olivine tholeiite association is absent. Eastern Australian lithosphere may have grown by the insertion of newly-formed igneous complexes within the stretched and rifted continental margin, as well as by the accretion of “terrenes” and the addition of packets of subduction complexes which developed off-shore.

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