
Hormozgan Province with arid climate is an important source of energy resources for Iran. This study investigates the results of hydrogeochemical investigation and its tectonic control in Hormozgan Province, Southern Iran. The chemical analysis of 158 groundwater samples was evaluated to determine the hydrogeochemical processes and ion concentration background in the region. Several NW-SE trending and NE-dipping basement reverse faults have intersected the area and have divided it into four tectonic terranes. Huge extension of Hormuz Formation in Zagros Foredeep tectonic terrane has increased the cations, Cl and SO4 concentration in groundwaters. HCO3 concentration in Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone and High Zagros is the result of silicate weathering or carbonates. Eighty-three percent of samples have negative CAI values in High Zagros, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, and eastern Zagros Fold Thrust Belt. The dominant hydrochemical facies of groundwater are Na-Mg-Ca-Cl (25.3% of samples) and Na-Mg-Cl (20.9% of samples). They are confined to the west of Main Zagros Reverse Fault and east of High Zagros Fault, respectively. The salt content of the groundwater indicates samples with very high salinity—as a result of Hormuz Formation—are mainly limited to the west of High Zagros Fault while samples with high to medium salinity are mainly limited to the east of this fault. Eastward increment of rock weathering is controlled with thrust faults activity of the area and southwestward migration of deformation front. Westward increment of evaporites is compatible with Hormuz Formation/salt dome density through the area.

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