
The article is devoted to the study of features and patterns of formation of party brands, analyzes colors, party symbols, key slogans of parliamentary parties in 2019. The essence of the concept of "political brand" and "party brand" is clarified, their characteristics and structure are defined. Article outlines the features of the processes of virtualization and mediatization of politics, pointing to the place of the political and party brand in these processes. The author outlines the features of political branding as a technology of political marketing, analyzes the technology of formation and promotion of political and party brand. Examining the practical experience of using political branding by modern Ukrainian political parties during the parliamentary election campaign in 2019, the author points to successful cases and explains their features. Installed. that the party brand is a virtual social phenomenon that creates in voter a sense of belonging to a particular community.It was found, that the common features of all party brands include: the presence of integral components of the party brand, the hypertrophied nature of the personal factor in the construction and promotion of political and party brand, the use of political advertising, co-branding and "star brand". Established, that the party brands of modern parliamentary parties of Ukraine can be identified as those that are recognizable by the majority of the population, have similar popularity at both local and national levels, have potential for long stay in the political space, are constantly mentioned in the media. It was revealed, that the distinctive features of party brands during the 2019 election campaign are various communication channels in which the brand is popularized, as well as the dominant technology of brand construction.


  • XXI Century posed new challenges, namely the rapid development of modern political technologies, virtualization and mediatization of public policy, globalization processes

  • A political brand allows us to track the process of forming a holistic and fixed image of a political actor in a particular social group with the obligatory definition of its cognitive structure, which includes a set of special values, characteristics, signs, expectations, moods, emotional perception

  • We can ensure ourselves that with the help of a political brand you can follow the process of forming a specific social group of a holistic and fixed image of a political actor with a mandatory definition of its cognitive structure, which includes a set of special values, characteristics, signs, expectations, moods, emotional perception

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Lviv National University after Ivan Franko

Technology of political branding during the parliamentary election campaign 2019 in Ukraine: an analysis of successful cases. Established, that the party brands of modern parliamentary parties of Ukraine can be identified as those that are recognizable by the majority of the population, have similar popularity at both local and national levels, have potential for long stay in the political space, are constantly mentioned in the media. It was revealed, that the distinctive features of party brands during the 2019 election campaign are various communication channels in which the brand is popularized, as well as the dominant technology of brand construction

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