
The article considers interactive tools for the implementation of the author's technology of future primary school teacher's image formation.Reformation of all levels of national education has highlighted the need to prepare highly qualified teachers for meeting the needs of secondary schools. Changes in school education primarily affected the primary school teacher, who today needs to have not only high professionalism, but also perfect personal and professional image.In order to form personal and professional image of future primary school teachers, we have created an authorial technology, which we have introduced into the educational process of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko. The technology was based on the usage of interactive technologies and appropriate methodological and syllabus support in the educational process, which included the educational and methodological complex of the discipline "Modern primary school teacher’s image."We have chosen case technology and portfolio technology as technological tools, as they are among the most modern and effective interactive technologies. Case technology belongs to non-game simulation teaching methods. It includes: the method of situational analysis, the method of situational tasks and exercises, the analysis of specific situations, the method of cases (case studies), etc. During the studing of the subject "Modern primary school teacher’s image" by students, we used a selection of thematically oriented pedagogical cases. Portfolio technology is an effective tool for organizing student activities, assessment and reflection. We introduced students different types of portfolios and recommended them to model their own electronic portfolio.Thus, the implementation of the author's technology of formation of the future primary school teachers’ image provided favorable conditions for productive cooperation between teacher and students in order to form students’ positive personal and professional image.

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