
Almaty and its environs are located in the foothill zone of the Zailiysky Alatau, where, given the lack of sites with good soils, many buildings and structures have to be built on weak soils, weak clay or subsidence bases. Another problem is construction in seismically active areas, which imposes certain restrictions on the design of foundations and the construction of structures. In such cases, specialized engineering measures are required, whether it is soil replacement, pile foundations or artificial foundations. In construction, there is a wide range of methods for fixing soils: strengthening with piles, vertical reinforcing elements, chemical fixing with solutions that allow you to carry out activities. This article describes the methods and sequence of work when using a two-component polyurethane material GEOPUR. In laboratory and field conditions to increase the bearing capacity of soils. The result of the application of this technology is a triple effect: increased moisture resistance and sealing; stopping or reducing water inflow to underground structures; stabilizing soil cementation - increasing the stability of the foundations of buildings and underground structures; there is a structuring and strengthening of soil, rocks and structures. Due to the introduction of the Geopur® material, soil structuring occurs, and it passes from the class of dispersed to the class of semi-rocky soils, the strength of which is characterized by the uniaxial compressive strength R. Studies have shown that the value of R in depth varies from 1.94MPa at a depth of 0.9m up to 4.57 MPa at a depth of 4.20 m. In accordance with state standard 25100-2011, such material belongs to a variety of soils with low or reduced strength.

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