
The described technology refers to the hydro-technical construction of drainage systems. The design purpose is to drain surface and groundwater from waterlogged heavy, poorly water-permeable farmland soils. The method includes making two-tier drainage with lower tier consisting of dehumidifiers, which are a drainage tube with a protective filter filled to a height of 10 cm with a sand and gravel mixture, and the upper tier made of non-cavity drains. The plan location of the upper tier drains is perpendicular to the lower tier drains. A column of sand and gravel mixture is arranged at the intersection of the upper and lower tiers. The technology allows reducing the volume of the filter drainage backfill by 1.5–2.0 times while maintaining a high drainage rate and reliable hydraulic connection of the arable horizon with the drainage pipe while reducing the material consumption of the proposed structure by reducing the volume of the drainage backfill made of sand and gravel mixture.

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