This paper investigates the adoption of technology in government management, focusing on its role in public sector transformation. The study examines case studies and emerging trends, highlighting the potential of technology to enhance administrative processes, improve service delivery, and increase citizen engagement. Challenges such as outdated systems and resistance to change are identified, while factors for success include visionary leadership, user-centered design, and collaboration. Methodologically, the paper employs econometric modeling to analyze the relationships between technology adoption and management outcomes. Key findings indicate that investment in digital infrastructure and skills development is crucial for driving effective transformation. The research contributes to the ongoing discourse on digital governance and offers policy recommendations for fostering innovation and agility in government operations. As governments face complex challenges in the digital era, this study emphasizes the importance of proactive strategies to leverage technology for continuous improvement (Curtis, 2019; Terdpaopong & Kraiwanit, 2021).
Published Version
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