
Questions technology transfer and commercialization in the Russian Federation are current and due to the need for sustainable economic development of innovative type. The intended use of foreign experience, technology transfer can be one of the mechanisms for funding of basic and applied research. In this regard, research and adaptation of foreign experience is of paramount importance for the development of technology transfer in Russia. The object of research is the process of organizing the transfer of technologies in Russia and abroad. The article describes the features of stimulating technology transfer in the countries occupying a leading position in the implementation of the innovation potential. The basic principles for improving the effectiveness of technology transfer abroad, which can be adapted and implemented in the Russian practice. Based on the study of foreign experience, formed by the direction of increasing the rate of technology transfer at the international, national, sectoral and inter-organizational level of the national innovation system. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s4p185

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