
This paper argues how technology will serve as a key gateway into a world with several poles. It further discusses the opportunities in favor of India to guarantee its position in the emerging power structure. And, the various obstacles that India has on its path to be a stable and developed economy. With the unchallenged hegemony enjoyed by The United States wearing thin by the day, increasing vulnerabilities sprout in the contemporary world order backed by its supremacy across domains. Technological advancement has consistently been a distinguishing factor in determining geopolitical power dynamics through the ages. It has historically paved the way for military superiority and political hegemony. The US's dominance following the Cold War is waning. There’s a concurrent rise of the Eastern wing and the Global South as a whole. Emerging technologies like Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, and Blockchain could further expedite the process. Rising powers are competing to deploy these across various potentially disruptive fields, set to usher us into a multi-polar world order. The rebalancing forces, concentrated mainly in Asia, are challenging axioms, redefining conventional notions, and renegotiating terms of engagement in a world more globally interconnected than ever. China and India make two re-emerging civilization giants with contrasting state apparatuses and value systems but similar objectives of securing for themselves a more assertive, sovereign, and determined place in the Global order. India in its 76th year of Independence finds itself amidst a host of opportunities and challenges unleashed by the unraveling of the established order, supply-chain disruptions, and a new round of geostrategic churn in its proximal theaters.

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