
Pakistan is facing a somber power crisis due to lessening of conventional energy sources of energy. There is a large gap between demand and supply of electricity, which is about 2.5–5 GW, registering a shortfall of more than 20%. Alertness of global warming and climate changes menacing the earth noticeably, we are all responsible to evade exploitation of fuel energy, particularly CO2 emitting. The need for exploring alternative, environmental-friendly, and renewable energy resources has therefore become more foreseeable. Tidal power is the clean and white energy technology, which is available at no fuel cost and minimal running cost. The coastline of Pakistan, which is about 1,045 km long with dominant features, is the best resource for harnessing tidal energy. The tidal energy resources present in the oceans are of much higher density and better reliability than any other renewable for the likely future. Though tidal power is predictable and available in the form of blocks of energy, it may not solve the energy crisis, but can decrease the reliance on fossil fuels. It can spread our energy resources and meet stringent greenhouse gas emission targets. The chapter presents the assessment of tidal power harnessing technologies and selection of suitable technology for Pakistan. Despite the fact that tidal power has not yet been introduced in Pakistan compared to other renewable energy technologies, but in near future it may play a key role. The study concludes that the tidal stream power technology is the best technology for tidal pilot power plants in the coastal creeks of Pakistan.

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