
The objectives of this research were (1) to study the technical aspect of the combined harvester, (2) to calculate the feasibility of rice agribusiness using a combined harvester, (3) to measure adoption level of farmers towards combine harvester in Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province. The research was carried out in two subdistricts, namely Rawajitu Selatan (represented by Gedung Karya Jitu village) and Rawapitu (represented by Bumi Sari village) of Tulang Bawang district from August 2015 to December 2015, and used survey method. The studied sample of 60 farmers (or 14.90% of 972) was determined with proportional random sampling. Two sorts of data were collected, namely interview and direct observation on-site, and feasibility analysis on a combined harvester, including technical, financial, and socio-cultural aspects. The result revealed that from technical aspects, combine harvester needed 5 to 7 hours to harvest, produced an excellent quality of unhauled rice with affordable production cost, compared with the traditional method. The use of a combined harvester was financially feasible. This was shown by farmer income and B/C ratio, from socio-cultural aspects, farmers showed high scores of adaption level towards combine harvester, namely 16.29 and 13.06 for Gedung Karya Jitu and Bumi Sari village, respectively.


  • The objectives of this research were (1) to study technical aspect of combine harvester, (2) to calculate the feasibility of rice agribusiness using combine harvester, (3) to measure adoption level of farmers towards combine harvester in Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province

  • The use of combine harvester was financially feasible. This was shown by farmer income and B/C ratio, from socio-cultural aspects, farmers showed high scores of adaption level towards combine harvester, namely 16.29 and 13.06 for Gedung Karya Jitu and Bumi Sari village, respectively

  • 3. Aspek sosial budaya dilihat dari tingkat adopsi inovasi petani terhadap penggunaan mesin combine harvester di desa Gedung Karya Jitu berada pada kriteria tinggi dan desa Bumi Sari berada pada kriteria sedang

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Hand Sprayer

Nilai B/C Ratio rata-rata petani pengguna mesin combine harvester dapat dilahat pada Tabel 9. Karakteristik yang diamati meliputi umur, tingkat pendidikan, jumlah anggota keluarga dan luas lahan. Berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan yang dimiliki petani di Desa Gedung Karya Jitu dan Desa Bumi Sari, rata-rata petani memiliki tingkat pendidikan yang rendah yaitu hanya sebatas SD sebesar 51,67 persen atau 31 orang dari total petani sebanyak 60 orang. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat diartikan juga bahwa tingkat pendidikan yang rendah menyebabkan petani kehilangan salah satu modal dalam upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam melakukan kegiatan usahatani yang meliputi aspek teknis budidaya padi lebak, manajemen usaha, dan pemasaran hasil. Bila tingkat pendidikan petani dan keluarganya masih rendah, hal itu merupakan salah satu penyebab sulitnya individu untuk diterima bekerja di sektor lainnya di luar sektor pertanian dalam arti luas, sehingga keadaan ini akan mengakibatkan sektor pertanian khususnya pada tingkatan budidaya yang tradisional menjadi sumber mata pencaharian utama.

Biaya Penggunaan Mesin
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