
Part 1 Developing a theory of language-and-culture learning: Culture in language learning Theories for the classroom Conclusion. Part 2 Methodology and methods: Comparison A body of knowledge Fieldwork Summary. Part 3 Teachers of language-and-culture: The need for theory Developing a model of teacher education Summary. Part 4 Principles in practice - illustrative cases: awareness and the National Curriculum for England and Wales Fachdidaktische Kriterien zur Integration von Landeskunde und Kommunikation Understanding politics and political institutions in Britain Ma ville et celle des autres Studies/Civilisation for advanced language learners Preparing university students for residence abroad In-service teacher education - British Studies in English Language Teaching Ab initio learners of German at university - teaching cultural competence British Cultural Studies in Turkey. Part 5 Assessing cultural learning: What to assess How to assess Experiments in assessment Levels of competence Summary. Part 6 The Wider Context: Language and culture teaching as political education Cultural learning and multicultural education Language learning and social class Conclusion.

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