
Research has demonstrated that L2 English learners’ acquisition of grammar can be facilitated by Data-Driven Learning (DDL), which clearly promotes inductive learning and learner-centeredness (e.g. Boontam & Phoochaoroensil, 2018). This present study focuses on the impacts of DDL on Thai secondary and tertiary educators’ introduction of English conditionals. The participants were taught using corpus-based DDL materials representing authentic use of conditionals for six weeks. It was shown in the interview results that DDL is useful and enhances learners’ self-discovery of L2 grammar rules regarding conditionals. Not only does DDL enable learners to notice the three classic if-conditional types but also it allows them to explore alternative, i.e. mixed, types of conditionals, which are often overlooked by textbooks. Some concerns about the use of DDL in a broader context of ELT deal with school budgets and students’ need of technical help.

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