
Since 1970, a total of forty-six educated urban youths have come to our Kuo-li Brigade in I-shan hsien, Kwangsi Province, to become members of the brigade and establish residence. In the past, when I was a squad leader in the army, for five years I led a squad of soldiers who were breaking down mountains and constructing a road on the high plateau of Tibet. Now Chairman Mao is calling on educated youth to go up to the mountains and down to the countryside to unite with the workers and peasants. When they arrive in the village, I am as happy as I was in those years when I welcomed new troops. I am determined to go into battle with this group of new warriors to construct new mountain areas so that Chairman Mao and other elders need not worry. For over two years now the poor and lower-middle peasants and I have taught the educated youths by word and deed. We have warmly helped and led them, making possible their healthy growth and fostering their active usefulness in the Three Great Revolutionary Movements i...

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