
The article is devoted to solving organizational, didactic and methodical problems of teaching business English to philological students in the regime of distance education. The aim of the article is improving methodical accompaniment of teaching business English to future philologists. The goals of the research are to attract English teachers’ attention to the necessity of encouraging students to use regular lexicon in private online communication and enforce the inter discipline coordination in teaching business English, lexicology and linguistic local lore study. Such methods of research as content analysis of pedagogical literature on the subject, questionnaire, generalization of various viewpoints concerning distance learning were used. Special attention should be paid to methodical accompaniment of teaching business English in online regime. It means that teachers should pay more attention to using productive ways of organizing classes under the condition of distance education. Students should create presentations, situational monologues after watching video clips, which represent abstracts from real business communication, reproduce telephone conversations with the help of formal speech patterns, given in the textbooks. Students should be exercised in writing business letters, answering reclamations etc. Methodical accompaniment requires keeping certain principles: interconnected teaching all kinds of speech activity (reading, speaking, listening, writing); dominant role of exercises; principle of culturological education. The necessity of keeping in mind social and linguistic cultural differences in communicating a native and a foreign language is also grounded by the author. Students’ answers to the questionnaire concerning their attitude towards distance learning and business English online show that most of them (88 %) are satisfied with such a way of studying. They also want more attention to be paid to understanding native speakers, telephone conversations, creating advertising production

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