
Contents: Preface. S. Hopmann, K. Riquarts, Introduction: Starting a Dialogue: A Beginning Conversation Between Didaktik and the Curriculum Traditions. Part I: Didaktik as a Reflective Practice. I. Westbury, Teaching as a Reflective Practice: What Might Didaktik Teach Curriculum? R. Kunzli, German Didaktik: Models of Re-presentation, of Intercourse, and of Experience. Part II: Bildung: Didaktik's Central Idea. W. von Humboldt, Theory of Bildung. C. Luth, On Wilhel von Humbuoldt's Theory of Bildung. W. Klafki, The Significance of the Classical Theories of Bildung for a Contemporary Concept of Allgemeinbildung. Part III: Sources From the Didaktik Tradition. E. Weniger, Didaktik as a Theory of Education. H. Roth, The Art of Lesson Preparation. W. Klafki, Didaktik Analysis as the Core of Preparation of Instruction. M. Wagenschein, How to Teach Understanding: On the Concept of the in Teaching. P. Menck, Content: Still in Question? Part IV: Didaktik as Praxis. S. Hopmann, Klafki's Model of Didaktik Analysis and Lesson Planning in Teacher Education. G.G. Hiller, Levels of Classroom Preparation. C. Senn-Fennell, Oral and Written Communication for Promoting Mathematical Understanding: Teaching Examples From Grade 3. M. Neubrand, Reflecting as a Didaktik Construction: Speaking About Mathematics in the Mathematics Classroom. A. Kirsch, Aspects of Simplification in Mathematics Teaching. M. Wagenschein, The Law of Free Fall as an Exemplary Theme for the Mathematicizablity of Certain Natural Processes. P. Reinhold, Open Experimenting: A Framework for Structuring Science Teaching and Learning. S. Gudmundsdottir, A. Reinertsen, N.P. Nordtomme, Klafki's Didaktik Analysis as a Conceptual Framework for Research on Teaching.

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