
According to the definition from the Oxford languages, perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. The other definitions draws the intent of my work closer which states, the way in which something is regarded,understood,or interpreted. It is of utmost significant that the perception of what we are actually required to do must be clear to us and must be able to interpret critically. However, there is possibility of our teachers delivering the curriculum with no proper understanding and direction in some cases. The Instructional Guides (IG) launched by ministry of education in 2022,which discourages full use of textbooks triggered some reservations in the minds of the teachers.Therefore, this study aims to explore the actual perception of the teachers on the implementation of the new national school curriculum in one of the remote primary schools, Pachu Primary School. Teachers do have number of issues to share on the implementation of the new national school curriculum from different perspectives. The study is optimistic to provide clearer picture of what the teachers are experiencing in the real field.

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