
This main purpose of this to identify the motivational strategies utilised by the intermediate teachers in teaching passive pupils of public elementary schools specifically the Grade-V pupils in Ramon District, School Year 2018-2019. This study used the descriptive-survey design of research to describe the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the following variables: age, gender, highest educational attainment, position and length of service. Descriptive method was likewise used to gather information about the present conditions, status and trends in the pedagogy. It describes the nature of a situation that exists at the time of the study. Based on the findings of the study, the respondents are still active in implementing the motivational strategies in dealing with passive pupils. Additionally, teachers are not particular about their educational attainment and academic rank. Therefore, Grade-V pupils prefer to attend classes on time, avoid the feeling of inferiority and need the sense of acceptance. However, passive pupils should be given enough time to value their roles as pupils. It is also necessary to develop their potentials and capabilities. The teachers are still introducing traditional strategies in dealing with the passive students. They usually initiate their outmoded techniques, methods and styles in teaching. Thus, the determiners are present in any classroom setting; it is not usually very much present in every class. Moreover, common determiners arise in many ways and it depends upon the applied motivational strategies in dealing with passive pupils. Henceforth, the relationship of the determiners of passivism does not completely affect the motivational strategies employed by the teachers. So, initiating motivational strategies among pupils acknowledges teachers as frontiers of its implementation and enforcement of pupils’ involvement as well must be observed. However, this involvement on the part of the teacher is limited as the finality of decisions still rest in the teachers. This calls for the teachers to increase awareness of the prescribed and present-day motivational strategies to be employed among passive pupils. This can be possibly done if teachers hold high educational qualifications and academic rank by pursuing their education in graduate studies. It is then recommended that teachers should make their subject matter interesting by introducing more group dynamic activities to involve all the pupils, instead of competition. Cooperative learning can also be done by letting the pupils work in groups or in pairs.

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