
Relevance. The current state of the development of choir performance in Ukraine urges us to turn to the history of its formation and evaluation also it actualizes the invaluable experience of well-known choral conductors and educators represented by older generations. From a distance, facts and events of the past are perceived in their objective meaning.Subject of the study is to consider Oleg Tymoshenko’s conductor-choral work, his pedagogical and management activity, aimed at the sustainable development of Ukrainian music culture and conducting-choral education.Methodology of the study applies the historical review of the life and creative path of the well-known figure in Ukrainian choral performance. Oleg Tymoshenko’s conducting, choral, educational, organizational and managerial activities have been considered from the point of view of promotion of Ukrainian musical culture and improvement of conductor-choral education, the content and character of which have determined largely the state of choral performance in the second half of the twentieth century.Scientific novelty. Being at the head of leading higher educational music institution in Ukraine Oleg Tymoshenko has laid a solid ground for its further development. His aspirations were fully in line with modern requirements of world-class musical institutions. Among many activities of Oleg Tymoshenko the main thing for him was choral work. He developed and enriched the traditions of the national choral school. As a conductor and teacher, he relied on the experience of the outstanding choral conductors of the past and his work has contributed to spreading their mastery, transformation of their heritage into future achievements of choral performance.The education of creative personality of future conductor was the main task in Oleg Tymoshenko’s pedagogical work. Among his pupils and graduates there are famous choir conductors, prominent artists whose achievements are recognized all over the world.Conclusions. The bright and versatile talent, creative passion, truly state-scale thinking, originality of conceived and embodied projects of O. Tymoshenko caused the importance of its influence on the development of the national spiritual culture, on the rise of the authority of Ukraine in the world.

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