
Sergiy Prokopov: phenomenon of the creative personality


  • The modern choral art as never requires a theoretical understanding of the artistic experience accumulated over the years of its existence and enriched with the latest advances in this field

  • Since in Ukraine a galaxy of dedicated experts in the field of the choral work function fruitfully, among whom the territory of the Slobozhanshchina region can boast the well-known name of Prokopov Sergiy Mykolayevych – the Honoured Art Worker of Ukraine, Professor, Head of the Choral Conducting Department of Kharkiv National University of Arts named after I

  • 8 2019 ■ Вип. 52 ■ Проблеми взаємодії мистецтва, педагогіки та теорії і практики освіти universalism of the famous Ukrainian conductor-choirmaster seems to be of a high relevance

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М. является примером универсализма личности, индивидуального своеобразия и неповторимой выразительности каждого настоящего мастера. Продолжая традиции корифеев дирижерско-хорового искусства и опираясь на собственный многолетний опыт, наблюдения и достижения в работе, как с хоровыми коллективами различной возрастной категории и профессиональной направленности, так и в преподавании специальных дисциплин, окончательно сформировались основные методические принципы его педагогической деятельности. Prokopov in the aspect of identifying various vectors of creativity of this talented artist: his performances, scientific works and pedagogical guides, musical and public activities. The study of each of the directions of the creative activities of the artist is not possible in isolation from the consideration of the main trends in the modern choral art. Ukrainian musicology is on the way of rethinking the classical methodological recommendations and finding new theoretical and practical approaches to the study of many aspects of the choral activity. Voskoboinikova and many others confirm the relevance of issues related to the genesis and the further development of the choral art

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