
The main purpose of CCE is quality education. That means continuous and comprehensive evaluation aims at the development of the child's intellectual, physical and mental abilities through various experiences gained in and outside the classroom. For that it is important to equip teachers with required skills and competencies of evaluation well with the teaching- learning process. The teacher plays a major role in imparting competency based teaching and skill in evaluation for realising the holistic development of the child. Evaluation is an integral part of any teaching and learning programme. The quality of education is directly linked with the quality of evaluation. Both teaching and evaluation are based on the instructional objectives which give the teachers direction. Instructional objectives are those desirable behaviours which are to be developed in through the learning process. These are reflected in the form of syllabus, instructional material and information given by the teachers, and evaluation is done to see whether the instructional objectives have been achieved and to what extent. The three components of teaching, learning and evaluation constitute an integrated network. Through evaluation the teacher not only assesses as to how far the have achieved the objectives, but also examines the effectiveness of the teaching strategy, teaching materials as well as teaching methodology. Evaluation is a process by which we can collect evidences for students progress. By analyzing the collected data we can record observations about an individual and then teacher can adopt corrective measure, for better learning of the child. In short, it involves systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of the learners progress both in scholastic and co-scholastic areas of learning to provide constant feed back about the effectiveness of course content, classroom processes and the growth in individual learners. Assessment is defined as the process of obtaining information that is used to make educational decisions about students, to give feedback to the about his or her progress, strengths and weaknesses, to judge instructional effectiveness and curricular adequacy, and to inform policy. The various assessment techniques include but are not limited to, formal, informal observation, qualitative analysis of pupil performance and products, paper-pencil tests, oral questioning and analysis of student records. Thus assessment is the process of gathering information from a variety of sources that accurately reflect how well a student is achieving the curricular expectations in a subject. Assessment therefore needs to be used as a means of gathering evidences to meet the requirements of evaluation.

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