
Small ubiquitin-like modifiers from the ATG8 family regulate autophagy initiation and progression in mammalian cells. Their interaction with LC3-interactingregion (LIR)containing proteins promotes cargo sequestration, phagophore assembly, or even fusion between autophagosomes and lysosomes. Previously, we have shown that RabGAP proteins from the TBC family directly bind to LC3/GABARAPproteins. In the present study, we focus on the function of TBC1D2B. We show that TBC1D2B contains a functional canonical LIR motif and acts at an early stage of autophagy by binding to both LC3/GABARAPand ATG12 conjugation complexes. Subsequently, TBC1D2B is degraded by autophagy. TBC1D2B condensates into liquid droplets upon autophagy induction. Our study suggests that phase separation is an underlying mechanism of TBC1D2B-dependent autophagy induction.

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