
I. Tajmohammadi, J. Mohammadian, M. Sabzichi, S. Mahmuodi, M. Ramezani, M. Aghajani, and F. Ramezani, "Identification of Nrf2/STAT3 Axis in Induction of Apoptosis Through Sub-G1 Cell Cycle Arrest Mechanism in HT-29 Colon Cancer Cells," Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 120, no. 8 (2019): 14035-14043, https://doi.org/10.1002/jcb.28678. The above article, published online on 16 April 2019 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) has been retracted by agreement between the journal Editor-in-Chief, Christian Behl; and Wiley Periodicals, LLC. The retraction has been agreed due to concerns raised by a third party on the data presented in the article. Specifically, some image elements in Figure 4, where found to have been published elsewhere in a different scientific context. The authors did not provide a satisfactory explanation to address the concerns. For these reasons, the editors have lost trust in the accuracy and integrity of the full body of data presented in the article and consider its conclusions invalid. All authors have been informed of the decision of retraction. The corresponding author Fatemeh Ramezani, first author Issa Tajmohammadi, and Coauthor Mehdi Sabzichi disagree with the decision of retraction. Coauthor Marjan Aghajani has stated that she did not directly participate in the experiments conducted for the study, and that her role was limited to manuscript editing and language polishing; she neither agreed nor disagreed with the decision of retraction. No confirmation was obtained by the remaining co-authors.

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