Discrete Clifford analysis is a discrete higher-dimensional function theory which corresponds simultaneously to a refinement of discrete harmonic analysis and to a discrete counterpart of Euclidean Clifford analysis. The discrete framework is based on a discrete Dirac operator that combines both forward and backward difference operators and on the splitting of the basis elements \(\mathbf{e}_j = \mathbf{e}_j^+ + \mathbf{e}_j^-\) into forward and backward basis elements \(\mathbf{e}_j^\pm \). For a systematic development of this function theory, an indispensable tool is the Taylor series expansion, which decomposes a discrete (monogenic) function in terms of discrete homogeneous (monogenic) building blocks. The latter are the so-called discrete Fueter polynomials. For a discrete function, the authors assumed a series expansion which is formally equivalent to the Taylor series expansion in Euclidean Clifford analysis; however, attention needed to be paid to the geometrical conditions on the domain of the function, the convergence and the equivalence to the given discrete function. We furthermore applied the theory to discrete delta functions and investigated the connection with Shannon sampling theorem (Bell Sys Tech J 27:379–423, 1948). We found that any discrete function admits a series expansion into discrete homogeneous polynomials and any discrete monogenic function admits a Taylor series expansion in terms of the discrete Fueter polynomials, i.e. discrete homogeneous monogenic polynomials. Although formally the discrete Taylor series expansion of a function resembles the continuous Taylor series expansion, the main difference is that there is no restriction on discrete functions to be represented as infinite series of discrete homogeneous polynomials. Finally, since the continuous expansion of the Taylor series expansion of discrete delta functions is a sinc function, the discrete Taylor series expansion lays a link with Shannon sampling.
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