
Abstract Species can coexist spatially and temporally by partitioning the niche space and forming complex assemblages made up of different species that share the prey resource. Chiroptera is the second most species-rich mammalian order and about 75% of bat species feed on arthropods, which makes these bats a good model group for studying complex trophic interactions. Next-generation parallel sequencing techniques allow a detailed analysis of arthropod resource partitioning patterns in bats. However, previous studies have not reached a consensus on the concordance between diet composition, habitat use, and segregation of trophic resources in bats. We analyzed diet composition in terms of taxonomy of the insect prey, and the prey characteristics. Feces of 16 bat species were examined in the Mexican Neotropics. We carried out a SIMPER (similarity percentage) test, nonmetric multidimensional scaling, and principal component analyses to identify general segregation patterns of trophic resources in relation to the habitat-use guild of bats and computed Pianka’s niche overlap index between species and Levin’s index to estimate the niche width of each species. Bats from the same locality tend to partition their diet, with a niche overlap ranging between 0.5 and 0.8. The highest values were found between species with different foraging behaviors. We suggest that future bat diet studies should incorporate the ecological and taxonomic information of arthropod prey to better understand the trophic interactions with bats.

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