
Two new species of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) from the Colombian Amazon are described: Aechmea cardenasii and A. andaquiensis. Aechmea cardenasii is significantly different from other species of Bromelioideae, although it roughly resembles A. rubiginosa because of its simple, strobilate inflorescence. Aechmea andaquiensis belongs to a taxonomic complex that includes A. abbreviata, A. angustifolia, and A. roeseliae, but it is unique among these species due to its oblong-spathulate leaf blades and short inflorescences with densely floccose-ferruginous floral bracts. Additionally, an unexpected record of the Choco-centered genus Ronnbergia in the eastern Andean slopes of Caqueta is reported. Finally, a short discussion is provided about the problematic usage of binomials of Streptocalyx instead of Aechmea for taxonomic catalogues. This discussion is based on the necessity to add A. confusa to the Catalogue of Colombian Plants.

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