
The present work reports the first inventory of corals, sea anemones, zoanthids and octocorals ofthe Enmedio reef, ecosystem that is part of the Lobos-Tuxpan Reef System. The information was gathered during the April 2014-November 2015 period. Five sampling sites were established in the leeward, flatland and windward area. At each site random surveys were carried out to record species. The reef areas were characterized by considering the number of species recorded and using the Jaccard index to determine differences/similarities. A total of 46 species were recorded, which are represented by two classes, six orders, 25 families and 31 genera. The order Scleractinia was the most diverse in species. There is an extension in the distribution range of Palythoa grandis and Eunicea mammosa for the southwest Gulf of México. Ten species of sea anemones and five species of scleractinian corals were added as new records to the Lobos-Tuxpan Reef System. The reef areas are dissimilar in species composition and define a marked zonation. The leeward zone had the most importance because it has the highest species richness, an attribute that decreases towards the windward zone. The Enmedio reef is consideredimportant in species diversity and merits special attention because it includes three species with special protection status (Acropora cervicornis, Acropora palmata y Plexaurella dichotoma) according to Mexican laws.


  • The present work reports the first inventory of corals, sea anemones, zoanthids and octocorals of the Enmedio reef, ecosystem that is part of the Lobos-Tuxpan Reef System

  • Scleractinia fue el orden más representativo en número de especies en las tres áreas arrecifales, seguido de Actinaria que, principalmente, presentó mayor riqueza de especies en planicie y barlovento

  • Se expande la distribución de Madracis pharensis (Heller, 1868) y Mycetophylia aliciae Wells, 1973, especies reportadas en el Arrecife Blake, así también Paracyathus pulchellus (Philippi, 1842), Oculina robusta Pourtalès, 1871 y Astrangia solitaria (Lesueur, 1817) desde el sur de Veracruz hasta el SALT (González-Gándara et al, 2015)

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The present work reports the first inventory of corals, sea anemones, zoanthids and octocorals of the Enmedio reef, ecosystem that is part of the Lobos-Tuxpan Reef System. Scleractinia fue el orden más representativo en número de especies en las tres áreas arrecifales, seguido de Actinaria que, principalmente, presentó mayor riqueza de especies en planicie y barlovento.

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