
African nightshades play an important role in meeting the nutritional needs of rural households, and are reported as being particularly rich in protein, vitamin A, iron and calcium . Nightshades are among three top priority African indigenous vegetables identified for improvement and promotion through research. A ma jor constraint facing this objective is the scantiness of taxonomic and nomenclatural knowledge on African nightshades resulting in extensive synonymy and confusion. As a consequence , the toxic species are difficult to discriminate from those with high nutritional value . It is also difficult to identify species with good agronomic traits for genetic enhancement. This study was conducted to identify, characterize, and delimit African nightshade species . Fifty accessions of Solanum section Solanum from eastern, southern and western Africa were raised in a greenhouse at the Botanical and Experimental Garden, Radboud University , Nijmegen , the Netherlands . A descriptor list with 48 vegetative and reproductive characters was developed and used to characterize flowering and fruiting plants. Counting of chromosome was done on root squash preparations from one week - old seedlings , aided by digital enhancement of microscopic images . Nine species were represented in the study material , including two diploid s: Solanum americanum, and Solanum chenopodioides ; five tetraploid s: Solanum retroflexum, Solanum villosum, Solanum florulentum , Solanum grossidentatum and Solanum tarderemotum ;and two hexaploid s: Solanum nigrum and Solanum scabrum . Most of the section Solanum species were distinguishable and easily identified. T he exception was S. florulentum and S. tarderemotum which were identified tentatively and assigned respective names, but are difficult to differentiate and require further studies . The S. florulentum/tarderemot um group has three distinguishable variants and further studies are needed to determine the taxonomic status of each as a separate species, subspecies or genotypic/phenotypic variants . Furthermore, S. retroflexum, S. villosum and S. scabrum each had a high degree of within -species variation , and further studies are recommended to determine whether the variations within each constitute subspecies.

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