
Brand is the name of a product that is commonly made by business actors to introduce their products to consumers. But in fact, the understanding of small micro business actors that brands are intellectual property protected by the state is very minimal. Even a brand that has been owned can be used by other people without permission which will be detrimental to the brand owner is also not well understood. MSME actors still think that brands are complementary accessories to products. Thus there is a need for assistance for MSME actors in registering trademarks as legal protection for their businesses, which from a marketing management perspective, brands are a way of targeting business opportunities. Moreover, Karanganyar Regency, especially the Matesih sub-district, is one of the tourist areas visited by many tourists. This will help MSMEs introduce their products more broadly through brands. MSME products will be the souvenirs of tourists who will indirectly be promoted by the consumers themselves only by using brands that have been protected by the State

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