
<p>The quantity of students for a college is of particular concern, this is because the quantity of students indirectly affects public confidence in educational institutions. In addition, the quantity of students will also affect the assessment process of the institution by the competent body or institution. So that the quantity of students is always strived to increase every year both by universities and study programs as a unit of education in it. The selection of a study program is not a question that can be decided simply. There are many determinants that prospective students should consider. From various searches of literary sources, it was found that the factor that determines the basis for choosing is attraction or attractiveness.In addition, a person's decision to make a choice often occurs very quickly sometimes less than half a minute and is influenced by the likes and beliefs.The study program in attracting prospective students must conduct study and analysis as a first step.Looking at what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges that may arise today, this of course becomes important because the results of this study can affect in the process of achieving organizational goals, especially in an effort to increase the number of students.</p><p> </p>


  • Pandemi Covid 19 secara revolusioner telah merubah giat akademik pada perguruan tinggi

  • The quantity of students for a college is of particular concern

  • this is because the quantity of students indirectly affects public confidence

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Pandemi Covid 19 secara revolusioner telah merubah giat akademik pada perguruan tinggi. Pandemi Covid-19 telah mendisrupsi giat tri dharma perguruan tinggi secara umum, hal ini tentu berdampak besar bagi perguruan tinggi. Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 seolah menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi semua perguruan tinggi untuk menghadapi tantangan dan mencari solusi terbaik dalam menangani permasalahan penerimaan mahasiswa baru di tengah pandemi Covid-19 dengan tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Sebagai Program studi yang terbilang langka, pandemic Covid-19 tentu menambah tantangan dan hambatan bagi program studi untuk meningkatkan penerimaan mahasiswa baru pada program studi Filsafat Hindu STAHN Mpu Kuturan Singaraja. Namun dengan adanya sumber daya manusia yang ada, optimisme terhadap peningkatan jumlah penerimaan mahasiswa baru pada Program Studi Filsafat Hindu STAHN Mpu Kuturan Singaraja tetap ada. Dibalik adanya hambatan atau tantangan berat (threat) bagi pendidikan tinggi di masa dan pasca pandemi covid-19, pasti ada kesempatan atau peluang (opportunity), untuk memunculkan solusi yang terbaik dalam menghadapi kenyataan pandemik covid-19, sepanjang mampu untuk menggunakan potensi kreatif dari sumber daya yang ada (Wahab, 2020)

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru STAHN
Tantangan dalam Meningkatkan
Minimnya Informasi Prodi Filsafat Hindu
Solusi dalam
Computer Based Test
Pengumuman dan Daftar Ulang Online
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