
Estrogen receptor activation has been shown to reduce body weight and produce a conditioned reduction in food intake in male rats that is putatively mediated by estradiol's suggested aversive effects. Evidence has shown that the selective estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen used in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer may also produce changes in food intake and body weight, which are known to impact cancer development and survival. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether tamoxifen produces a conditioned reduction in intake similar to estradiol by producing a conditioned aversion. A one bottle lickometer test was used to examine conditioned changes in sucrose drinking, while the taste reactivity test was used to measure rejection reactions, which serve to index aversion in rats. A backward conditioning procedure that consisted of 3 conditioning days and one vehicle test day was used to examine conditioned changes in 0.3 M sucrose intake and taste reactivity. Our results show that tamoxifen produced a conditioned reduction in sucrose drinking in a one bottle fluid intake test that was similar to the effects produced by estradiol (positive control); however, no active rejection reactions were produced by either tamoxifen (1 and 10 mg/kg) or estradiol. The present results suggest that tamoxifen, at the doses used in the present study, acts as an estrogen receptor agonist to regulate food intake and that the conditioned reduction in intake produced by tamoxifen and estradiol reflects conditioned taste avoidance rather than conditioned taste aversion.

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