
Lampoon, one of the poem types of minstrel literature; poetry is written to criticize the fragile aspects of the individual, society, and institutions. The first satiric examples written under the influence of both social and political developments, and individual conflicts have origins in the didactic works of 14th and 15th centuries. Especially after 16th century there was a certain increase in the number of writers and satires. 17th century is widely accepted as the era of most unique authors. We can also include Turkish art in the 21st century. The foundation of the products that called in turkish nowadays which acquired a place in our country with its own specifics and become a rich cultural element was laid by Turks living in Germany, not in Turkey. Critical poems have always been included in Turkish literature. Rap music genre is one of them. In our literature, it is possible to group criticism poems under three main headings as lampoon, satire, rap Although these three criticism poems differ according to literary understandings they show great similarities as a result of the issues they address and the world of emotions. Especially songs that we define as today's lampoon and satires are a continuation of the lampoon and satires in a way. The article drew particular attention to these similarities and tried to clarify this issue with various examples. XXI. The poems of poets (including artists) who lived in Turkish literature in the 21st century were scanned and the most frequently discussed topics today were collected under headings by sampling method.

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