
Abstract Holding the presidency in crucial regional organizations and formats in Baltic Europe in 2018 (Nordic Council of Ministers, Council of the Baltic Sea States, Barents Euro-Arctic Council, formats N5 and NB8) Sweden is in exceptional position to enhance this region’s coherence. The goal of the analysis in the article is to explain in what way Sweden aims to coordinate the regional policy agenda. Official programmatic documents give the ground to assume that Sweden is seeking to achieve a regional coordinator’s role and is actively realizing planes which promote regional coherence in Baltic Europe. At the same time Sweden takes into consideration the European and global contexts of the policies in this region. The main overarching field of engagement in this respect becomes the realization of the UN Agenda 2030. The characteristics, i.e. scope and elaboration, of the political programmes of the Swedish presidency in the mentioned above organizations and formats suggests that Nordic as well as Nordic-Baltic cooperation are considered as the most important ones.

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