
The aim of the study was to justify the choice of such a writing assignment as a written reproduction (Rus: izlozhenie) as a synthesizing and developing form of educational activity in grades 5–11. To this end, the educational potential of reproducing an unfamiliar literary text was revealed, and a methodological system of developing written reproductions was created in correlation with the material being taught during the lessons of Russian language and Russian literature. When creating a system of written reproduction assignments, an analysis of studies reflecting the leading trends in the methodology of Russian language teaching (i.e. the convergence of lessons of the Russian language and Russian literature, meta-subjects modeling and interpreting activities, linguocultural and conceptual analyses), as well as the results of pedagogical practice, was carried out. The presented system with a complex of assignments gradually increasing in complexity develops both the logical and sensory-emotional sphere of students’ thinking, facilitates the formation of a creative linguistic personality and reading skills, as well as takes into account the requirements for graduates during the State final certification, contributing to a more successful result.

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