
Introduction. System logistics rail transport is one of the central links of the overall management system of the railway industry, which have a direct impact on the stability and safety of traffic, the level of reliable and sustainable operation of rolling stock, improvement of profitability of work of departments of transport, on the financial results of the industry. Material resources and material costs, including the cost of materials and raw, as well as the costs of building and maintenance, is one of the objects of improving inventory management Target. To improve methods of management and control of inventory levels in the warehouses of structural subdivisions of the Railways of Ukraine and improve the supply system. Task . Inventory management is to solve such problems: determining the amount of the required reserves, creating a system of control over the actual size of the stocks and their timely completion . Problem formulation . Solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of inventory management in today’s economic environment requires a shift from traditional management to logistics, inventory management allows you to include in the main areas of company strategy to actively pursue its market behavior . Achieving the strategic tasks of any company depends primarily on the integration of logistics functions. The main components of logistics is physical distribution, logistics and supply . The methodological and theoretical basis of the paper are the works of scientists, experts in the theory and practice of economics of rail transport, cost management, logistics: B. Anikinoy, Belovoy, N. Tereshinoy B. Volkova, I. Aksonova, Yu Barasha , L. Golovkova V. Dikanya, L Kostyuchenko, Yu Kulaeva. Results . The methods of management, control and supply of inventory levels in warehouses of the structural divisions of the railway. It offers modern methods of supply and control inventory levels in warehouses of the structural divisions of the railway system to improve inventory management . The practical significance of the work . Is the ability to use the results of the article in practice for the control and supply of structural divisions of the railway of Ukraine.

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