
Ultracold gases are remarkably versatile and controllable systems with untapped potential to emulate a variety of quantum phenomena [1]. Atoms are, however, electrically neutral and therefore it is highly desirable to make them behave as charged particles. This capability has recently been demonstrated in a series of recent experiments [2–4]. Although many challenges remain ahead, atoms exposed to synthetic gauge field offer great opportunities for the realization of new classes of quantum materials with custom-designed properties, and with unforeseen applications. The first implementation of an effective magnetic field was accomplished by rotating an atomic cloud [5]. In the rotating frame of reference, an atom experiences theCoriolis force that emulates the Lorentz force experienced by a charged particle in a uniformmagnetic field. Large vortex lattices have been created in this way, however, so far the strength of the effective magnetic field achieved by rotation is too weak to lead to new physics. An alternative approach invokes the vector potential, A, that induces a geometric phase as a charged particle moves around a closed loop. This notion of geometric phase can be adapted to a neutral atom that slowly moves in the presence of laser fields. If the lasers are chosen to ‘dress’ the internal atomic levels, so that the dressed eigenstates become position dependent, the center of mass adiabatically evolves according the operator p-A, instead of just p = −i ∇ . The atom thus effectively moves as a charged particle in a magnetic field B = ∇ × A (see Fig. 1a). Exploiting this Figure 1. Light induced synthetic gauge fields: (a) A gas of neural atoms (green oval) can behave as a gas of charged particles when it is illuminated by a pair of laser beams (red arrows) that imparts momentum to the atoms and couples their internal ( |↑ 〉 , |↓ 〉) and motional degrees of freedom. The Raman beams that induce transitions between internal states also transfer two units of their linear momentum 2kL. This leads to the formation of dressed states (superpositions of states with different internal levels and center of mass momenta) which experience a modified kinetic energy, with an effective vector potential. If the effective vector potential has nonzero curl, the atomsmove as charged particles in amagnetic field. (b) In the presence of an optical lattice potential, Raman beams can also induce an effective vector potential. In this case, the lattice is engineered so that along one direction atoms can tunnel between adjacent lattice sites (Jlight) only by absorbing and emitting photons from the beams. The imparted momentum from the lasers produces pathdependent phases that resemble the magnetic flux accumulated by a charged particle as it moves in a closed loop. The flux accumulated by the atoms when they move around a single unit cell, φ, can be significant (equivalent to the one generated by a real magnetic field of thousands tesla in an electronic system) and induce a fractal energy spectrum.

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