
We have synthesized a mixture of hydrocarbons with characteristic of petroleum asphaltene, which is the heaviest fraction in petroleum and source for carbon materials. The synthesized asphaltene (SA) shows identical solvent affinity with various organic solvents as native asphaltene (NA), and the chemical structure distribution, molecular weight, and size in solution are all within those of NA. Furthermore, SA exhibited similar aggregation structure, melting behavior, and decomposition behavior as NA. The mixture consists of C84H76 (Mw 1085.5) and C84H78 (1087.5); the former comprises a structure with 17 aromatic rings and two C12H25 side chains, and the latter consists of a pair of interconnected configurations, each with 8 aromatic rings and a singular C12H25 side chain. A synthetic method for petroleum asphaltene was found, which allowed us to propose a synthetic route from biomass-derived feedstock.

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