
The synthesis of a prescribed far-field pattern by means of a radiating slot in a perfectly conducting infinite circular cylinder is considered. The narrow circumferential slot and the infinite axial slot are studied in detail. In either case, the problem is to find the distribution of the electromagnetic field in the aperture that yields a radiation pattern that is the best mean-square approximation to a given pattern, under certain constraints. Various quality factors for cylindrical modes are discussed, and a detailed comparison with the synthesis problem for a planar aperture is performed. It turns out that Rhodes' synthesis method has no equivalent in the cylindrical case, and that the best admissible mean-square approximation to a given pattern may be a very poor approximation in amplitude. However, an iteration scheme is developed in which the phase approximation is sacrificed for the sake of substantially improving the amplitude approximation. Numerical results based on such a scheme are displayed, for prescribed omnidirectional and sectoral patterns.

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