
The RNA/protein ratios in two co-isogenic monokaryons of Schizophyllum commune, growing in shaken cultures, were similar (about 5.2). However, dikaryotic hyphae on average contained only 1.3 times as much RNA and protein as did monokaryotic hyphae. The hyphal compartment volume of the dikaryon was also found to be 1.3 times larger than that of the monokaryons. This difference resulted from an increase in hyphal diameter rather than an increase in cell length. Autoradiographic estimation of the rate of RNA synthesis showed that the individual nuclei of the dikaryon synthesized RNA at a rate which was about 28% less than that of the monokaryotic nuclei. This largely explained the higherRNA/DNA ratio observed in the monokaryons compared with the dikaryon. The partner nuclei in dikaryotic cells contribute equally to RNA synthesis.

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