
The advancement of modern technologies and the evoluƟ on of the web have led to a mulƟ tude of technological innovaƟ ons. Concurrently, web projects have become increasingly diverse and iteraƟ ve. The emer-gence of complex systems has presented challenges that exisƟ ng approaches cannot adequately address, thereby necessitaƟ ng the development of novel architectures, technologies, and methodologies. Notably, adopƟ ng micro-service architecture has eff ecƟ vely resolved issues encountered in large-scale projects and signifi cantly enhanced their manageability and fl exibility. Similarly, in response to the requirements of client-side applicaƟ ons, a demand for adopƟ ng a novel architectural approach has arisen.The work presents the usefulness of using Monorepo and Micro Front-end architecture in technological projects and private web development in a single workspace. This method is suitable for the development of large-scale, complex projects. The architecture of client-side Angular and server-side NestJS technologies will be discussed in this article. Huge corporations such as Google, Facebook, and others employ these tactics. The paper clearly demonstrates why this architecture is the ideal answer for online projects and the benefits it provides developers over other existing and experienced alternatives. The work is useful both theoretically and practically.

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